Emily and Tom

Emily and Tom’s wedding was slightly different to those I would usually attend… They didn’t have a celebrant and they didn’t get legally married… Because they already were!

A whirlwind love story brought these two together while travelling in Wales, but after they got engaged, a *certain* pandemic ended up keeping them on opposite sides of the world for an entire year!

When they finally got to see each other again, they didn’t let each other go. They decided to get officially married over in Wales surrounded by Tom’s friends and family. And then a few months later, it was time to come home to Adelaide and have another wedding celebration so that they could celebrate with Emily’s friends and family. And what a party it was!

Up at Kuitpo Hall in Adelaide’s South, the outdoor fairy lights and bright florals created a stunning atmosphere which was topped off perfectly by great music and fantastic company.

Head back to the blog page to read more!