7 New Year’s Resolutions for the Bride-to-Be

Wedding Fireworks and Dry Ice

With a new year comes new resolutions and goals, so if you’re recently engaged, now is the perfect time to set some resolutions that pertain to wedding planning. These vows will help you make the most of your engagement and planning adventure.

And don’t worry if you’re reading this and it’s way past the beginning of the year. You can always set new resolutions, no matter the date on the calendar.

Below you’ll find 7 wedding planning resolutions to inspire and excite you for the year ahead.

1 – I Will Enjoy Being Engaged

Wedding planning is a whirlwind of activities and to-do lists. When you’re not dashing from pre-wedding parties to vendor locations, you’re making spreadsheets, trying on dresses, tasting cakes, and scouring wedding sub Reddits like it’s your day job.

There’s no doubt you’ll get caught up in wedding planning – it’s a priority, after all. BUT, in the midst of it all, vow to enjoy being engaged. Look forward to the big day, but enjoy the process of getting there as well. It may feel overwhelming at times and you may find yourself saying things like, “I just want to be married already!” But there is joy in the journey; you just have to be mindful of it.

2 – I Will Work With What I Have

There are all kinds of budgets out there. Some couples have an unlimited wedding budget, while others choose to put more money towards life after the big day. None of that is your business. The money you have to work with is what you have and there is no use in envying bigger budgets or wishing you had just a little more, because you think that would make everything perfect.

Make your budget and stick with it. If you need to, get creative and work with what you have to create a wedding that is unique and personal. Remember that every problem has a solution, but not every solution has to involve more money.

3 – I Will Take Care of Myself

You don’t have to go on a crazy diet or workout routine to achieve your wedding-day beauty goals. In fact, stressing yourself out over your weight/dress size/body shape will only leave you drained and miserable. Not a good look! And definitely not a good feeling.

Instead, practice self-care. Be gentle with yourself. Trade in the crash diet and bootcamp routine for a system that you can and will want to continue after the wedding day. Self-care also relates to the mind, so check in with your feelings. Journal, talk to a close friend or relative (or your partner!), take a walk, or whatever helps you calm the emotion ocean.

4 – I Will Give Myself a Break

Not all will go to plan, not everything will be perfect, and not everyone will be happy. That’s all okay. No matter how much of a perfectionist you are or how organised you get everything, you have to cut yourself some slack. Vow to give yourself a break in every area of wedding planning, from your beauty routine to working with vendors. Ask for help when you need it (no, you cannot do everything yourself!) and schedule days for activities that have nothing to do with wedding planning.

Remember, it’s not the end of the world when things slip through the cracks or don’t go to plan. If it was, the world would have ended centuries ago. Ask yourself how you will feel five years from now about whatever wedding mishap transpires. Sure, you might feel hurt/regret/anger, but it’s more likely that you won’t even recall it or you’ll laugh about it with your spouse. 

5 – I Will Listen to Others, but Also My Heart

Everyone will have advice, suggestions, and opinions about your wedding. Some of it will be treasure and some of it will be trash. It’s up to you to sort through it. You can be open and flexible to other people’s advice and opinions, but in the end you need to go with what is right for you and your fiancé. 

6 – I Will Create the Guest List ASAP

It’s not the easiest or most fun part of wedding planning, but it’s an essential task that needs to be done. The sooner, the better. The guest list will guide you in all kinds of other planning, like the venue choice, so it’s a good thing to get out of the way in the beginning of wedding planning. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a hole when you book a venue that only holds 50, but your guest count turns out to be 100.

7 – I Will Treat Others Kindly and With Respect

During wedding planning, you might find yourself with a shorter temper, which then leads to taking it out on those closest to you, from your partner to your bridesmaids. They might understand your frustrations, but they might also get hurt. Vow to turn that bridezilla into a bridechilla by expressing your appreciation and remembering that everyone wants to best for you.

Check out more of my helpful tips and resources for your wedding day. Or if there’s something I haven’t covered, get in touch and ask away!